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We are a brand born of a love for the beauty of restraint in design, the inherent grace of feminine strength, and the necessity to treat our environment and each other with love and respect.
Each of our carefully researched, styled, tested and distributed collections reflects a particular aesthetic and ethos. We hope some of these speak to your own style, and help you refine and redefine your own look and style philosophy in the process.
Each of our carefully researched, styled, tested and distributed collections reflects a particular aesthetic and ethos. We hope some of these speak to your own style, and help you refine and redefine your own look and style philosophy in the process.
Linea Collection
Eclipse Collection
Arizona Collection
October 08, 2024
As of the end of 2021, the only state that you can go gel blasting without a license or restrictions is Queensland.
The only stipulation is that you have to conceal the blaster when transporting it and store it in a closed, secure location.
Gel Blasters are legal in Argentina.
You can only buy replica or imitation firearms in gun shops or specialized sports establishments, to persons above the minimum age in Argentina. The Gel Blasters must have guidelines and warnings written in Spanish and a large “Not for use by minors” in a visible location.
Gel Blasters are legal in Armenia.
Gel Blasters with muzzle energy below three joules, that is 568 ft/s for a 0.20 g projectile (the average weight of a gel ball), are not considered weapons in Armenia and require no licence or permission.
Gel Blasters are legal in Belgium.
Weapons that shoot projectiles without combustion or fire are free to buy and sell as long as you are over the age of 18 in Belgium.
An exception is if the weapon can shoot a 0.2g pellet (the average weight of a gel ball) at 900fps or faster, then it is considered a firearm and has to be registered as such in Belgium.
Gel Blasters are legal in Bulgaria
There is no restriction on the ownership of a Gel Blaster in Bulgaria, only a minimum age of 18.
Since they are considered air guns, not real guns, in Bulgaria, you are free to use them wherever except public areas like schools and such.
Gel Blasters are legal in Chile.
You must transport your Gel Blaster out of sight in public places. Most shops will require you to be 18 or older to purchase a Gel Blaster, but there are no laws regulating the sales in Chile.
Gel Blasters are legal in the Czech Republic.
In Czech Republic anyone over the age of 18 can buy and sell Gel Blasters without any licenses or permissions.
A Gel Blaster must be concealed while transported, and they are not allowed in public places in the Czech Republic.
Gel Blasters are legal in Denmark
Any person above 18 years can buy and trade Gel Blasters in Denmark.
At the age of 16 they can be used on police approved sites with parents permission. Your Gel Blaster must alway be concealed while being transported in Denmark.
Gel Blasters are legal in Finland.
The only restrictions are that you must transport your Gel Blaster concealed and you need permission from a legal guardian to purchase one if you are under the age of 18 in Finland.
Gel Blasters are legal in France.
A Gel Blaster firing above 464 FPS (two joules with an average gel ball of 0.2 gram) is considered a firearm and will need to have proper licenses and permissions according to the French Weapons Law. You must transport your Gel Blaster concealed in France.
Some Gel Blasters are legal in Germany. But not the ones you want!
For a Gel Blaster to be unrestricted it has to shoot at 230 FPS or less. In that case it is a toy gun and can be purchased and used by anyone above 14 years in Germany. They must be concealed in public.
Any Gel Blaster shooting above 230 FPS is considered an air rifle in Germany, not a toy, and you must be 18 or older to use them.
In addition, and here’s the catch, they are illegal if they are able to shoot automatic fire. As icing on the cake, you are not allowed to even own a flashlight or laser that can be mounted on the blaster projecting light in front of it, let alone mount anything.
Then there is of course the transport issues. Concealing is not enough, if the gel blaster is similar to a real weapon it must be transported in a locked container in Germany.
Gel Blasters are legal in Greece.
A Gel Blaster is in the same category as air guns in Greece. They are not considered real guns, but can only be sold to persons of 18 years or older in special shops. The Gel Blaster is required to be concealed when transported in Greece.
Gel Blasters are legal in Hong Kong.
A Gel Blaster is considered a toy in Hong Kong as long as the kinetic energy is below two joule (465 FPS) and you better stay below that limit. If you go above two joule, you have a firearm and consequences of having an illegal firearm in Hong Kong may include up to 14 years in prison.
There are no licenses or permissions needed in Hong Kong for buying or trading with toy guns, and no laws requiring you to conceal the gun, although you should if it looks like a real gun.
Gel blasters are legal in Hungary.
Gel Blasters can be bought and owned by anyone above the age of 18 years in Hungary.
Gel Blasters are legal in Ireland.
The limit for needing a weapon license in Ireland is one joule, which is about 330 FPS with an average gel ball (0.2 grams)
Gel Blasters are legal in Indonesia.
There are no rules by law restricting the ownership or use of Gel Blasters in Indonesia
Gel Blasters are legal in Italy.
In Italian law, a Gel Blaster shooting with an energy of one joule (about 330 FPS with 0.2 gram gel ball) or less is considered to be a toy. They can be traded freely, both domestically and from abroad. There is no requirement for licenses or permissions, nor any age limit.
The Gel Blaster must be sold with a red tipped barrel, but it can be removed when owned. Gel Blasters must be concealed while transporting them in Italy.
Gel Blasters are legal in Japan.
There is a limit of 3.5 joule/cm2, which translates to just under one joule for a standard sized gel ball, so the limit is about 330 FPS for a Gel Blaster in Japan.
Gel Blasters are legal in Latvia.
A Gel Blaster with muzzle energy of 1.5 joules (about 400 FPS with a standard 0.2 gram gel ball) or lower is considered a low energy air gun in Latvia and can be sold to anyone that is 18 years or older without any registration.
Gel Blasters are legal in Lithuania.
A Gel Blaster with muzzle energy of 1.5 joules (about 400 FPS with a standard 0.2 gram gel ball) or lower is considered a low energy air gun in Lithuania and can be sold to anyone that is 18 years or older without any registration.
Gel Blasters are legal in Malta.
In 2013 Malta amended their laws to accommodate for non-lethal guns, and you do not need any license or registration to buy, own or use a Gel Blaster in Malta.
Gel Blasters are legal in Norway.
You have to be 18 years or older to buy a Gel Blaster in Norway, but you are allowed to use one at any age. However, you have to use it for personal protection and have permission from your legal guardians.
Gel Blasters are legal in Poland.
In Poland the limit for kinetic energy is 17 joule, anything above that is considered a pneumatic weapon. 17 joule is about 1350 FPS with a normal gel ball, so that should not be a problem. A Gel Blaster must be concealed in public areas in Poland.
Gel Blasters are legal in Russia.
A Gel Blaster with muzzle energy less than three joules (about 568 FPS with a standard 0.2 gram gel ball) is not considered a weapon in Russia.
Gel Blasters are legal in Serbia.
Anyone over the age of 16 may legally buy, own, and use a Gel Blaster in Serbia.
Gel Blasters are legal in Slovakia.
You have to be 18 years of age to use a Gel Blaster in Slovakia. You are required by law to make sure your Gel Blaster is secure, when you are not using it. The maximum energy is 15 joules, which is more than 1250 FPS with a normal 0.2 gram gel ball.
You need a weapons importation license if you want to buy a Gel Blaster from outside the European Union.
Gel Blasters are legal in Slovenia.
There are no age limits for buying or using a Gel Blaster in Slovenia. But you are not allowed to carry them unconcealed in public since the police will treat them as real weapons.
You need a license to get a gel blaster, some as for an airsoft.
Gel Blasters are legal in Sweden.
In Sweden, a Gel Blaster will be considered a limited effect firearm. You must be 18 years or above to buy or possess one, but there are no licenses or permissions needed.
Gel Blasters are legal in Ukraine.
A Gel Blaster with muzzle energy less than three joules (about 568 FPS with a standard 0.2 gram gel ball) is not considered a weapon in Ukraine currently.
Gel Blasters are legal in the United Arab Emirates.
You can buy, own and possess Gel Blasters in the United Arab Emirates. Gel Blasters are sold at special weapon shops. You need a permit to import them to the United Arab Emirates.
The Gel Blaster must be concealed in public, and you can only play in designated facilities.
Gel Blasters are legal in the United Kingdom.
A Gel Blaster with automatic fire can only have max muzzle energy 1.3 joules, about 375 FPS with a standard 0.2 gram gel ball for it to be legal.
A Gel Blaster that has only single fire is allowed up to 2.5 joules of energy, about 520 FPS with an average 0.2 gram gel ball.
Gel Blasters are legal in the United States.
There are some different rules in different states. But in general, you should be 18 years or older to buy a Gel Blaster in the United States. The Gel Blaster should be equipped with an orange tip on the barrel. It should be to indicate that it is not a real gun in most of the United States.
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